Essa música foi sucesso na voz da cantora Rihanna (Robyn Rihanna Fenty, Saint Michael, Barbados, 20 de fevereiro de 1988) em 2008. Um ano mais tarde, foi regravada para a série musical da Fox "Glee", pela atriz-cantora Lea Michelle (Lea Michele Sarfati, Nova York, 29 de agosto de 1986) que faz o papel da Rachel Berry. Preste atenção na letra, pois ela veio à minha cabeça no período do 2º turno das eleições por causa do candidato José Serra (São Paulo, 19 de março de 1942) devido à troca de acusações, bolinhas de papel, blablablá... A letra, por coincidência, tem tudo a ver com Serra, durante e depois do período eleitoral, principalmente o episódio da bolinha, rolo de fita, kkk!(Ah, e do choro depois do resultado da eleição!)
Eu tentei selecionar e editar apenas essa cena do DVD do Glee pra divulgar aqui no blog, mas, além de eu não conseguir, eu não entendo nada de Windows Movie Maker. Foi só esse video com legenda em espanhol que encontrei no YouTube e postei aqui só pro povo ver o quanto a música é emocionante e tristiiiinha...e parabéns a Dilma Rousseff, a primeira mulher na história do Brasil a ser presidente. "É" as mulheres!!!"É" as mulheres!!! "Só deu ela, ela, ela, ê, ê, ê", kkk!!
(P.S.: Lembrando que não sou nenhuma típica eleitora que apoia um partido e vaia o outro. Eu apóio quem fará o bem para o Brasil, seja do partido A ou B)
Oakland, California.Ben Patterson came to the public conscious merely five years ago in a short stint as a patron on the reality show “Model Citizens.” Now, the apotheosis of the eccentric subterranean tabula rasa actor, Ben has an established fan base as one of the elite black indie actors, and has become friends with some of the best in the business. Embodying the sex-on-a-stick rocker with ferocious blowtorch-intensity in his freestyle funk bandSapphire Sky, Ben is hardly a paint-by-numbers kind of guy.
Moira Orfei, (aka Miranda Orfei), (b. 21 December 1931 Codroipo) a popular Italian actress and television personality. Moira is considered the queen of the Italian circus.
Raised in a family who owned the circus company Circus Orfei, Moira became the symbol of circus in Italy and attained international fame. The Circus Moira Orfei itself was founded in 1960. Moira has been photographed in various scenes as a rider, trapeze artist, acrobat, dominatrice of elephants and trainer of doves.
Moira's excessively garish image mirrors her eccentric and exuberant personality. It was Dino De Laurentiis who suggested that she change her name from Miranda to Moira. From then on, Moira's face became an effigy of unchanging characteristics: heavy make-up with eyes coated with eyeliner, bright lipstick, an accentuated mole above the lip, hair tied in a turban. Promotional billboards where carpeted with this picture in every city that the circus stopped. As a result, Moria has become one of the most recognized faces in Italy.
Almost by chance, Moira also became a film actress, acting in over forty films, from comedies to Sword and sandal films (among which many Italian crime films). It has been said that if Moria had studied drama she could have been good as Sophia Loren.
Hoje, dia 30/10, é o aniversário da cantora Patrícia Hora, filha do músico Rildo Hora.Patrícia Alcântara da Hora, seu nome de batismo, iniciou suas atividades artísticas em 1985, participando do coro infantil no disco de Dona Ivone Lara, na faixa "Menino brasileiro" (Rildo Hora e Dona Ivone Lara). Em 1988, ao lado do irmão Misael da Hora ao piano, apresentou a música "Sinhá tô" (Rildo Hora). Ao final, foi convidada por Martinho da Vila para participar de seu novo disco. No ano seguinte, fez coro em todas as faixas do disco "Canto das lavadeiras",de Martinho da Vila. E, desde então, nunca mais parou. Patrícia continuou trabalhando em coro nos CD's do Zeca Pagodinho, Grupo Fundo de Quintal, nos projetos Casa de Samba, entre outros. A gente deseja felicidades, muito sucesso pra você e que continue trabalhando com todo esse talento que você tem.
Alunos faltaram às aulas, pois estavam com ferimentos graves.O motivo dos ferimentos foi uma brincadeira de bolinhas de papel durante o recreio desta 2ª feira, na qual os alunos jogavam as bolinhas um no outro. A tal bagunça acabou em tragédia e os alunos saíram cedo da escola para o hospital, se é que foram mesmo para o hospital. Os alunos receberam alta e só voltarão às aulas na terça-feira da semana seguinte.
Que tal um sambinha sobre o assunto com Tantinho da Mangueira, hein?
Suzy Parker (October 28, 1932 – May 3, 2003) was an American model and actress active from 1947 into the early 1960s. Her modeling career reached its zenith during the 1950s when she appeared on the cover of dozens of magazines, advertisements, and in movie and television roles.
She appeared in several Revlon advertisements, but she also appeared in advertisements for many other cosmetic companies as well, as no model had an exclusive make-up contract until Lauren Hutton (for Revlon and Revlon's Ultima) and Karen Graham (Estée Lauder) signed them in the early 1970s. She was the first model to earn $100,000 per year and the only fashion model to have a Beatles song named after her, even if an unreleased one
She was the first model to earn $200 per hour and $100,000 per year. Vogue declared her one of the faces of the confident, post-war American woman.
However, by 1955, she owed income taxes on her modeling income from previous years, amounting to more than $60,000 in back taxes and rapidly accumulating penalties, an enormous amount at the time.[7]Jerry Ford paid her tax bill and found her assignments. She worked also non-stop for Vogue, Revlon, Hertz, Westinghouse, Max Factor, Bliss, DuPont, Simplicity, Smirnoff, and Ronson shavers, to name a few. She also was on the covers of about 70 magazines around the world, including Vogue, Elle, Life, Look, Redbook, Paris Match and McCall's.
Avedon suggested Parker for the movie Funny Face (1957). Fred Astaire's role was based on Avedon, whose photos appeared in the movie. Audrey Hepburn's role was inspired by Suzy, just as Hepburn's role inBreakfast at Tiffany's was supposedly based on Dorian's promiscuous lifestyle. Suzy appeared in the movie for only about two minutes.
After marrying her third husband, Dillman, in 1963, and suffering further injuries in another car accident in 1964, she mostly retired from modeling and acting to live a quiet life in Montecito, California, with her family.